高动态区间中波红外热像仪HDR-IR MW

 Real-time data output with automated high speed neutral density filter mechanism: RAW, AEC
Real-time data output with fixed manual and fixed position high speed neutral density filter mechanism: RAW, RTP, RTTC, AEC, EHDRI, AVG, Hybrid
 用户2点定标及实时温度标定( RTTC)
 热像仪指令及控制: C-Link
 数据传输方式: C-Link base, NTSC/PAL.
 FPA 帧幅大小:640 x 512 pixels, 探测器像元间距:16μm pitch
 满幅帧频:115 fps @ full frame
 测温范围: Up to 2500°C, will be optimized for customer’s dynamic range needs
 光谱范围: 3 to 5 μm
 F#: 4
 标准外壳
 时间标记: IRIG and GPS
 Hyp-IR 控制及采集软件软件包
 Hyp-IR suite post processing software
 Matlab 常规处理功能
 光学头
 3 米长cameralink缆线(2x)
 PCIe 4x 采集卡
 电源适配及3米缆线
 Includes 3 optical ports
 Post processing NUC/RTTC,2 pt calibration tool
 运输箱
 使用手册

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